Monday, March 6, 2017


Jose Rizal has been stereotyped as a typical hero luring everybody with his dedication and perseverance, his admirable and heroic deeds. Almost every positive adjective in the dictionary can be used when you speak of Rizal in the country. Why? Because Rizal has been introduced to all of us that way, with a naïve mind and an innocent perception of life, Rizal was perceived as nothing but positivity. 

Upon taking up this subject, I have come to know the flaws of being Jose Mercado Rizal. The imperfection he attains that most wouldn't see or even notice. I have been awakened with the idea of him being perfect and ideal.

Well, if I were to be asked. I admire him but do not worship the idea of him. He was brave enough and people should be thankful for his courage and his dedication to fight for the freedom they are enjoying now. He did everything he did for people who in return can give nothing. He wholeheartedly sacrificed almost everything knowing he already had a good life. He was a very smart person and I felt like he used all his skills all in the right ways. But come to think of it, who in the right mind would do things the way Rizal did? Who in the right mind would sacrifice everything for the good of most people? No one but Rizal.

This is the reason why Rizal is perceived as special and heroic despite of every single flaw he had and imperfections he attained. Rizal had a bright mind that saw life in a different perspective. He always saw things in a different sphere. He had the thirst for revolution and change. He had the courage to stand up against those who belittled us which most can not even bare to do. And that made me admire his guts even if shortcomings and imperfections were laid down like cards on the table. It just made me realize more that no matter how heroic he was, he was most likely human like every one of us. That he crossed boundaries and pushed his limits as a person to fight for what we are enjoying now, our freedom. 

This subject gave me a fresh perspective about Jose Rizal and I am thankful to have known everything, like him being a gymnast and elabiration on aspects like his head size upon birth. Hahaha kidding aside. It has been great to know how a person can be gazed upon by people but still have dirt hidden right behind the covers. 


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