Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Rizal As a Doctor

He wanted to treat his mothers eyes that has cataracts.   University of Santo Tomashe studied medicine, agriculture, surveying, and philosophy and letters.1879-1882 Central university of madrid 1882-1884  He received his licentiate in Medicine in 1884 3.  Rizal chose to specialize in ophthalmology and worked in the eye clinic of Dr. Louis De Wecker, a famous French ophthalmologist. He introduced ophthalmoscopy into France and advanced ocular surgery. He modified cataract and strabismus surgery, devised a new method of enucleation, advocated sclerotomy for the treatment of glaucoma, and was the first to use the termfiltration. He worked for Dr. De Wecker from November 1885 to February 1886 4.  In February 1886, Rizal moved to Heidelberg. Augenklinik (Eye Clinic) of Otto Becker Becker (1828-1890) was professor of ophthalmology at the University of Heidelberg from 1868 to 1890 and helped make this department one of the best in Germany. Rizal spent the next 6 months working as assistant to Becker. 5.  On his way back to de Weckers clinic in Paris in 1887, Rizal took time to travel through Europe to learn from and visit with some additional prominent ophthalmologists and scientists. Among the ophthalmologists he visited, probably the most well-recognized today is Ernst Fuchs, whom he visited and worked with for a short time in Vienna. In Berlin Rizal met Rudolph Virchow, the"father of pathology," who invited him to become a member of the Berlin Anthropological Society.

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